Utilize this link if you would like to report a stormwater concern, water quality concern, or illicit discharge.
For all information on Apply Valley Waste's household trash and recycling pickup, click on the title above.
Boonsboro offers yard debris and oil recycling free of cost. Check out the link to obtain a permit and get started.
If you wish to explore Boonsboro's Sustainable Procurement Policy adopted in 2014, click the link above.
All information about Shafer Park Facilities and Fields can be found at the link above.
Driving an EV is an excellent sustainable alternative to gas. Learn more about Boonsboro's EV charging stations.
Use this link to find FAQs, what is recyclable, solid waste recycling permits, and recycling drop-off locations.
Sump pump information, a sewer backup guide, and watershed information for Washington County can be found above.
Here is Washington County's Clean County Initiative including a septic tank guide and reporting of sediment and erosion problems.
The Washington County Soil Conservation District assists the community with conserving and managing natural resources.
Utilize the link above to learn more about Washington County's Parks and Recreation.
Learn more about Boonsboro's watershed by using the link in the title above.
This non-profit is committed to restoring and preserving the Antietam-Conococheague Watershed.
Explore the rebate applications and resources of Boonsboro's energy provider, Potomac Edison.
This program provides grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities.
Check out this resource to discover all of the farmers markets that the state has to offer.
Learn more about how you can start and maintain a compost heap in your own backyard.
Explore this link from the University of Maryland to see why utilizing the state's native plants in your garden matters.
All information about Maryland Park Services can be found at the link above.
Get rewards and tips for recycling from the company Recyclebank.